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Cross-device tracking

Cross-device tracking is a technology that allows you to track actions completed with the use of several or devices.

The purpose of cross-device tracking

In day-to-day life, most users spend time on several devices: a computer, a laptop, a tablet, a phone.

Here’s a typical situation: you want to buy shoes, and you use your home computer to compare models. Eventually, you make a choice, and then, on your way to work, you quickly complete the order on your phone.

When a publisher attracts traffic to an advertiser’s site, the chances are high that the user will follow the link on the partner’s site using one device, then complete the conversion on a different one, after going directly to the site.

The problem is that although the user essentially completed an action, due to the use of different devices the first and the second visits will be registered as two separate events. As a result, you’ll lose an action and miss out on earnings.

Here’s where cross-device tracking helps. This technology lets you connect two events on different devices — following the affiliate link on a personal computer and going straight to the site on a telephone — and record an action that will be accounted for and for which you’ll be rewarded.

According to Admitad’s statistics, in programs that make use of cross-device tracking, the number of actions recorded is, on average, 9% higher.

In short, if you work with a program that uses cross-device tracking,

  • More actions are tracked.
  • The reward you receive for these actions increases.
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